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A Time To Fly:
A Story About Life
by Laura Meltz


About the Author


Laura Meltz is a first-time

author who, inspired by her

mother who taught her about

life and love and loss, passes

on those lessons to readers 

young and old. She is a mother

and grandmother who runs a hugely successful eBay business

out of her home in suburban

New Jersey where she lives with

her husband, Steven, and her Pomeranian puppy Daisy.

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Debuting Author Laura Meltz, delights and inspires

young readers with “A Time to Fly: a story about life”


New book that tells the story of a caterpillar who learns

a beautiful, universal lesson about life and love


CLIFTON, N.J. – Laura Meltz marks her debut in the world of  children’s literature with the release of “A Time to Fly” (published by LifeRich Publishing; an imprint of Reader’s Digest), a book that features Willie who is a caterpillar struggling with the changes he knows he must begin in order to become a butterfly. He knows his life will be short lived and soon it would be time to prepare his cocoon. Along with his favorite  sister Wilma, they begin a voyage of discovery to find out what is next. “


“In this story, I address the fears that children (and all of us) experience, when faced with the uncertainty of change and the certainty of loss,” Meltz says. “I see this book as appropriate in situations where a child is facing, or has faced, the loss of a close relative, pet or perhaps the prospect of their own mortality.


“I don’t believe there is anything exactly like it as it addresses both change and loss in terms children can relate to and parents will appreciate.” Meltz says. “It is also a beautiful way to begin the conversation”


”With the recent and substantial losses due to COVID-19, “A Time to Fly” will be a useful tool for parents to explain the process of death to their kids while, at the same time, encouraging them to embrace life. Willie’s story will show children that life is short, but also eternal as the soul lives on.

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